Custom made clock for Poirot fan
While watching an episode of the TV show ‘Poirot’, she noticed a fabulous clock in the background of a shot and immediately thought how fantastic it would be if she had one in her own home. After finding our amazing work online and viewing our stunning portfolio, she reached out to us to see if we could help.
Having taken a photo of the clock on her TV screen she emailed this to us so we could produce artwork and replicate the clock for her at a size to suit her own home. Having got her approval of the design, we got to work on this 1300mm bespoke clock. The specification of this clock was very strict as it was important to recreate the clock as close as possible to the original design.
The clock dial itself was manufactured out of MDF and finished in a matt black, to give it a sophisticated and modern aesthetic. We used our router to cut out a channel in the back of the dial, ensuring we could make the dial thin enough to keep in line with the original design but enable us to house the wiring for the LED chapters.
The chapters of the clock were hollowed out so that they could be filled with small LED strips and illuminated underneath acrylic covers, providing illumination at each quarter of the clock, bright enough to see, but not too bright as to be distracting.
The clock also had bespoke baton hands manufactured specifically for this job. It was imperative the hands were thin to replicate the original design but also because they were not being counterbalanced they needed to be light weight, which is why we chose to manufacture them out of Stainless Steel.
Our customer sent us photos of the clock after it had been installed and she was ecstatic with the result. Our skill range is vast and varied and although we do manufacture many stock items to chose from, we adore taking on bespoke jobs like this one and it’s truly wonderful for us when we get to see photos of the products once they have arrived at the customer and been installed.